When selecting a security provider in California, understanding key requirements and standards is essential for making an informed decision. This guide will help you navigate the process with confidence while avoiding common pitfalls.

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Making an Informed Security Provider Decision

The California Private Security Services Act establishes strict requirements for security providers. Understanding these requirements helps you make better decisions about your security services. One critical consideration is cost: when providers offer services significantly below market rates (under $20.00 per hour), they often can't maintain compliance with state requirements while covering essential costs like proper insurance, training, and supervision.

Key Provider Requirements:

Any security company you consider should maintain:

  • A valid Private Patrol Operator (PPO) license - individual guard cards are not sufficient
  • $1,000,000 minimum liability insurance for armed services
  • Current workers' compensation coverage
  • State-approved uniforms and badges
  • Proper guard training and supervision programs

Professional Resources

Access our comprehensive hiring guides:

Security Provider Evaluation Checklist

A comprehensive checklist to evaluate potential security providers systematically and thoroughly. Use this tool to ensure you're asking the right questions and considering all important factors.

Questions to Ask Your Security Provider

Essential questions to ask during your security provider evaluation process, including space for notes and follow-up items.

Understanding Security Contracts

A comprehensive guide to understanding security service contracts, terms, and important considerations for your agreement.

Verify Before You Commit

When evaluating security providers, remember to:

  • Verify their PPO license status with the Bureau of Security and Investigative Services
  • Request and review current insurance certificates
  • Ask about guard training and supervision protocols
  • Understand their emergency response procedures
  • Review their communication and reporting systems

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PPO License #12958 • Fully Licensed & Insured

Client Education

Please be very careful when selecting an agency that offers security services for anything under $20.00 per hour as they may or may not be in compliance with the State of California Business & Professions Code "Private Security Services Act" beginning with section 7580 and ending at 7588.3. All B&P; codes will be listed in a box and in bold. Here at Scaife Protection Services we are very interested in the protection and education of consumers whether business or personal. We have developed this page to offer you very important information when choosing a security service provider for the protection of your assets.

First, let's begin with the difference between a Security Guard License and a Private Patrol Operators License. Many guards attempt to procure services from clients by utilizing their security guard registration only. Since they charge a considerably lower rate than PPO's (Private Patrol Operators) many clients, not knowing the difference, never question the person they are contracting with. Security Guards CANNOT contract their services to anyone. Guards can only be employed by a licensed PPO.

Please see examples of both a GUARD REGISTRATION and a PPO license.

As you can see they both look almost identical but notice that one clearly says "Guard Registration"and the other says "Private Patrol Operator"


No person shall engage in a business regulated by this chapter; act or assume to act as, or represent himself or herself to be, a licensee unless he or she is licensed under this chapter; and no person shall falsely represent that he or she is employed by a licensee.

7582.1 - (e)

A security guard or security officer, within the meaning of this chapter, is an employee of a private patrol operator, or an employee of a lawful business or public agency who is not exempted pursuant to Section 7582.2, who performs the functions as described in subdivision (a) on or about the premises owned or controlled by the customer of the private patrol operator or by the guard's employer or in the company of persons being protected.

Are you now asking yourself, "Well, what is a Private Patrol Operator?" Well, here is what the law defines a PPO as:

7582.1 - (a)

A private patrol operator, or operator of a private patrol service, within the meaning of this chapter is a person, other than an armored contract carrier, who, for any consideration whatsoever: Agrees to furnish, or furnishes, a watchman, guard, patrolperson, or other person to protect persons or property or to prevent the theft, unlawful taking, loss, embezzlement, misappropriation, or concealment of any goods, wares, merchandise, money, bonds, stocks, notes, documents, papers, or property of any kind; or performs the service of a watchman, guard, patrolperson, or other person, for any of these purposes.

Next, let's deal with other important factors of selecting a security service provider. All PPO's must comply with certain legal requirements, and they are listed below as stated in the law:

7582.20 - (a)

Every advertisement by a licensee soliciting or advertising business shall contain his or her name, address and license number as they appear in the records of the bureau. For the purpose of this section, "advertisement" includes any business card, stationary, brochure, flyer, circular, newsletter, fax form, printed or published paid advertisement in any media form, or telephone book listing. Every advertisement by a licensee soliciting or advertising the licensee's business shall contain his or her business name, business address or business telephone number, and license number, as they appear in the records of the bureau. (b) The director may assess a fine of two hundred fifty dollars ($250) per violation of subdivision (a).

7582.26 - (f)

No private patrol licensee or officer, director, partner, manager, or employee of a private patrol licensee shall use or wear a badge, except while engaged in guard or patrol work and while wearing a distinctive uniform. A private patrol licensee or officer, director, partner, manager, or employee of a private patrol licensee wearing a distinctive uniform shall wear a patch on each shoulder of his or her uniform that reads "private security" and that includes the name of the private patrol company by which the person is employed or for which the person is a representative and a badge or cloth patch on the upper left breast of the uniform. All patches and badges worn on a distinctive uniform shall be of a standard design approved by the director and shall be clearly visible. The director may assess a fine of two hundred fifty dollars ($250) per violation of this subdivision.


No private patrol operator who employs a security guard who carries a firearm as part of his or her duties shall engage in any of the practices for which he or she is required to be licensed by this chapter, unless he or she maintains an insurance policy as defined in Section 7583.40.


"Insurance policy,” as used in this article, means a commercial general liability policy of insurance issued by an insurance company authorized to transact business in this state that provides minimum limits of insurance of one million dollars ($1,000,000) for any one loss or occurrence due to bodily injury, including death, or property damage, or both.

The above mentioned laws are in addition to City, State & Federal Employment and Labor Codes, Workers Compensation Insurance requirements; as well as proper employment tax requirements and business license requirements of the County, City, or State the provider is operating within.  You still haven't even paid the guard yet!

So ask yourself this one question, "Can the person I am contracting with comply with all of the above legal requirements for under $20.00 per hour, and if not what is my liability if something goes wrong?"

Again, we are simply trying to educate you as to the laws and requirements of this industry so that if you choose to do business with another provider you will at least know what questions to ask and what to look for to make an educated decision!

Please review each of our current Licenses, Insurance Policies, State Approvals and Certifications in compliance with the above listed rules and regulations by clicking any of the images below.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact this agency, or the State of California Department of Consumer Affairs Bureau of Security of Investigative Services.

Thank you,
Mr. Omar Scaife
Chief of Operations

Licensing, Certifications & Insurances:

Scaife Protection Services offers security and security guard services wherever security and guard services are required or needed. Let us provide you with a guard that is able to perform security guard services for your security needs. Our security guard services are the best as our guard services and security guards are focused on your security.


Mr. Omar Scaife

Dispatch Center: (323) 786-8140
Customer Service: (323) 786-8140

If you are interested in employment with this agency please email your resume to employment@scaifeprotection.com. No drop in applications or phone calls will be accepted!

Contact Us

Company Name: Scaife Protection Services
State License Number: PPO-12958

Address: P.O. Box 804 Lawndale, Ca 90260-0804

Office Number: (323) 786-8140
Fax Number: (952) 255-1559
Email Address: inspector@scaifeprotection.com